🚨Plastic - time for Africa to speak up!

We are in the fifth round and the most critical moment of plastic treaty negotiations.

The INC-5 talks have kicked off. This is a battle for our survival. As expected, the petrochemical industry, corporations and some governments are trying to weaken the treaty’s ambition to seriously curb the plastic menace.

If they have their way, plastic production will triple by 2050. We can’t let them. A strong and ambitious plastics treaty will deliver a cleaner, safer planet for us all.

This requires urgent action.

Will you quickly post on X and urge the Environment Ministers of these critical countries to take meaningful action. The Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Cameroon must push for real ambition by joining the High Ambition Coalition and supporting a strong and ambitious Global Plastics Treaty that prioritises a drastic cut in plastic production.

🚨Plastic - time for Africa to speak up!

POST NOW: Demand a strong Global Plastics Treaty!

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